Does the 2019 Toyota C-HR have remote start?

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James B. December 24, 2020
The 2019 Toyota C-HR does have remote start. You will come into nasty problems with the battery during the life cycle of the car. The battery can drain rapidly and will need to fixed. There can be a leak, causing the fluid to spill all over the place. A cracked case could arise and will need to be replaced completely. The battery can just be completely out of juice. You will need to recharge or replace it at this juncture. This part of the car will eventually become ineffective. The battery will need to be changed every 50,000 to 60,000 miles. It might coSTSome money, but You will have to cough up the cash to keep Your car running.
Lisa February 21, 2021
I have a 2019 CH-R And mine starts if I hit the lock button five times in a row.
Carolynb August 29, 2020
I have a 2019 Toyota C HR and it does not have remote start. Maybe that was something that could be added.
Jan S. August 29, 2019
Like other Toyotas, the C-HR does have remote unlock and start features via the key fob. Like the other Toyotas that have this feature, there is no dedicated button on the fob, you will have to press the unlook button three times holding it for 3-seconds on the third press.
Phyllis September 27, 2020
Same here I have a 2019 as well and it don’t have it
Irma Anderson October 26, 2020
My 2020 don't have it.
Elizabeth October 22, 2021
2019 model press the UNLOCK on the key fob 3 times and hold down on the 3rd time for 3-5 seconds and it will start.
Irma Anderson October 26, 2020
I have the 2020 and there is no remote start.So do I have a problem,concerning that?
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