How long do nissan quests last?

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Mark B. January 6, 2021
How long the 2016 Nissan Quest will last is totally dependent on how well or not it is taken care of. If it is well taken care of by doing the scheduled maintenance on time then it could last anywhere froM200,000 miles to over 400,000 miles or so. If it is not well taken care of then it might last as little aS-100,000 miles. It can also come down to juSTSimple good or bad luck. One of the most important things You can do is to change the oil and the filter every 3,750 miles or 3 months, whichever comes first. The oil will help to keep the engine clean and running smoothly. Another important thing You can do is replace the transmission fluid every 20,000 miles or 24 months, whichever comes first.
Leona R. April 9, 2020
The nissan quest is known as a dependable vehicle that will easily last over 200,000 miles.
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