Engine Repairs: How To Save Thousands

Lauren K
Nov 23, 2020

Replacing an engine costs how much? Too much! Thankfully, Scotty Kilmer of @savagescotty has a fantastic video on his YouTube channel that explains a few simple things you can do to potentially save you thousands in engine repairs.

What are some ways to extend the life of your engine?

  1. Regular oil changes
  2. Tire pressure checks
  3. Mind the air filter
  4. Keep the coolant clean
  5. Don’t overtax your engine
  6. Keep transmission fluid clean
  7. Minimize start and stop driving
  8. Buy quality parts

As you can tell from his videos, Scotty knows his stuff.  Here’s what he mentions about each of the above items.

How to Save Thousands in Engine Repairs

Change the Oil

At the top of the list is getting the oil changed. Regular oil changes help ensure the engine stays properly lubricated, which is crucial for it to function. Without enough of it you’ll eventually run into issues like a blown head gasket or a cracked engine block, which basically means you need a new engine.

As engine oil ages, it changes in texture, volume, and overall cleanliness and quality. Following the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance schedule is the best way to avoid and oil-related engine repairs.

Check Your Tire Pressure

This may not seem like something that would have a huge effect on the engine, but if the tire pressure is too low, it will cause the tires to heat up due to the increased friction. This causes added strain on the engine that ultimately translates to a lower lifespan.

By checking your tire pressure once or twice a month and keeping the pressure where it should be you can avoid this potentially expensive mistake.

Change and Clean Your Filters

The air filter is responsible for making sure the engine gets the right air to fuel ratio it needs to operate. When the filter is dirty it can reduce the amount of air it gets, which can increase or decrease the temperature of your engine.

When your air filter is dirty, the engine has to work harder, causing it to wear faster. The same goes for the fuel filter. It can cause the car to run rich, which is a waste of gas, or too lean, which puts extra stress on the engine.

Keep Your Coolant Clean

Coolant helps keep the overall temperature of your engine where it should be, potentially saving you thousands in engine repairs. When it’s dirty, it can contaminate the engine oil and can cause extra friction. Extra friction means added stress, which means the engine has to work harder, leading to a reduced lifespan.

Do Not Overtax the Engine

This means avoiding things like frequently revving your engine, jackrabbit starts, or continually asking your engine to do the absolute most that it can. If it feels like your engine is struggling, you’re probably right.

Keep the Transmission Fluid Clean

The transmission is responsible for making sure that the car can shift gears and go as fast or as slow as you are asking it to. The fluid n your transmission needs to be clean, it needs to be the right type, and it needs to be the right volume.

Changing your transmission fluid is going to help ensure that the transmission is running properly, that it has the right fluid and that friction is minimized.

Minimize Stop-and-Go Driving

City driving is far harder on an engine than highway driving, increasing the chances of needing engine repairs. The most wear and tear that an engine can withstand comes when the engine is first started.

If you are doing a lot of city driving or a lot of stop-and-go driving, you can expect that the engine is going to wear out faster than it would otherwise. Make sure you minimize short trips and do not stop and start your car often unless you absolutely have to.

Use Quality Parts

No one wants to buy new parts for their car because they can get very pricey. If you do have to buy new parts for your car, especially computer or electronic parts, it is always going to be more cost-effective and better for your engine to buy quality parts.

These parts are going to last longer, they are going to be better made, and they are going to work better in your car. The quality of the part does make a difference in how well it works and how long it lasts for you.

Want More Ways to Save On Engine Repairs?

Check out #savagescotty on YouTube here, and read up on all things automotive related at Vehicle History.

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