Best Spark Plugs: Why Some Are Better Than Others

Lauren K
Feb 16, 2021

Spark plugs are more important for your car than you might imagine.

Though they seem small and somewhat insignificant, they are responsible for setting the entire internal combustion process in motion. Scotty Kilmer has a fantastic video that explains which spark plugs are best for your car.

Which spark plugs are the best and why? Best Spark Plugs: 

The stock spark plugs that come in your vehicle at the time of manufacture are best because they were made for your car and designed to specifically fit it.  

Spark plugs affect how your car runs, how well it runs, and if it runs at all. Choosing the right spark plugs is a must.

A Bit about Spark Plugs

Some people have no idea what spark plugs even do in the engine. A spark plug is used to help provide the spark that sets the gas and air mixture on fire when the internal combustion process starts.

The spark that is created makes a small boom that then pushes the pistons down and helps to propel the car forward. This is something that is necessary, and without spark plugs, your car is not going to be able to go at all.

Spark plugs through history have been made of a range of materials. They were once made of copper, which was very conductive but too soft so it wore out quickly. They were then made of platinum. These spark plugs were stronger, harder, and they lasted for around 100,000 miles.

Spark plugs these days are made of iridium. Iridium is very hard, it is very durable, and it has a much higher burning point so that it can effectively burn off any residue that might be on the spark plug to inhibit its function.

Spark plugs are very important, so you do have to make sure that they are working well and stay in great shape. With newer cars, spark plugs are getting harder and harder to access. Manufacturers are attempting to make spark plugs work better and last longer since they are so much harder to access in engines. Those iridium spark plugs can last for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Which Spark Plugs are Best for Your Car?

When it comes to spark plugs for your car, the best ones are those installed in your car from the factory. They are designed to work for your car and they are designed to fit your car best.

When replacing the spark plugs you do need to do a few things. For starters, if you can, take one of the spark plugs into the store with you so that you can check it and you can match the spark plug’s size.

You can also match the number that is written on the spark plug. This is going to be helpful in terms of making sure that the spark plugs are the same as those that are already in the car. The next step is to make sure that when you install them that they are installed in the same manner.

Finding out More

When it comes to owning a car it is always best to have as much information as you can. Taking the time to learn about your car and to learn about what parts may need replacing can help you get the right parts and make certain that your car is working properly. Vehicle History is a great resource that can help you find all that you need to know about your car.

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