Do Fuel Additives Work in Your Car?

Lauren K
Feb 16, 2021

Everyone wants their vehicle to perform better. Some want it to be faster, while others are looking for better gas mileage. Fuel additives are marketed to improve the overall performance of your vehicle, but do they work? Keep reading to find out.

Do fuel additives work? 

Fuel additives do work, but only if you find the right type for your particular engine. Newer engines do not respond to old-style cleaners and additives. Buy a modern additive that is designed for your type of engine.  

Fuel additives can be helpful, but only if you get the right type for your engine and if you take the time to make sure your additive is going to work with your engine. Scotty Kilmer has some great videos about fuel additives.

What is a Fuel Additive?

Fuel additives are used to clean the engine from the inside. Fuel additives contain compounds and chemicals meant to help remove the buildup that comes from the gas that you have to use for your car. Depending on what type of car you have and what type of gas you use, it is important to take the time to find the additive that is going to work for your engine.

Why Older Cleaner Types Do not Work on Newer Cars

When it comes to newer cars, the additives that were once popular and cleaned engines well are not going to work. Gas today has up to 10% ethanol which means that it can cause carbon buildup in the engine.

With newer cars, the fuel injection system is direct injection which means that the fuel does not go through any sort of extra filter before it enters the engine. Direct injection systems put the gas directly into the engine so that there can be a buildup of carbon in the engine.

If you have a newer car, it is always best to look for a cleaner that is going to be directed at that type of engine. Sea Foam is a common cleaner that many people turn to, but this is meant for older engines.

This is a type of additive that was created when engines were two-stroke, and it is not suited to the engines that we now have today.

A good cleaner that is well suited for modern engines is Gumout. This additive is designed to prevent corrosion in the fuel tank and engine, it has the proper additives to remove the carbon buildup in the engine, and it has the necessary cleaning compounds to help make sure that your engine is clean and that it is functioning properly.

Where to Start

When you do decide that you want to get a fuel additive for your vehicle it is always best to take the time to find the right additive for your car. Make sure you are looking at reviews to see which additive works best and then test it out.

If you use the additive and the engine seems to work better, then it may have cleaned and helped your engine. Vehicle History is a great resource that will help you to find the right information about your vehicle so that you can find out what is going to work best for you.

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  • Do Fuel Additives Work in Your Car?