How to Keep Your Car’s AC Blowing Ice Cold (Video)

Amanda T
Feb 21, 2021

A car’s AC system is one of those things that you don’t think about much – until it stops working. Here, YouTube mechanic and car guru Scotty Kilmer shares his top tips for getting your car’s air conditioner to blow cold air – and keep blowing cold air – for the lifetime of your car.

How can you keep your car’s AC blowing cold air? 

There are several methods you can use to ensure that your car’s air conditioning system stays up and running, including checking the fans, the air intake, the condenser, the air filter, and more.  

Luckily, #savagescotty is here to fill you in on all that you need to know about keeping your car’s AC system running efficiently. We’ve broken down his instructions from the above video to help you understand what you need to do to keep your AC running smoothly.

Keeping the AC in Top Condition: Here’s What Drivers Need to Know

There are a few simple maintenance tasks that you can perform regularly to ensure that your car’s air conditioning system continues to work like new.

First, turn on your car and crank up the AC; then get out and take a look under the hood. Check to make sure that your AC fans are working properly. If you have a two-fan system, ensure that they’re both working. If just one of the fans is working, your AC will blow some cold air, but it won’t be nearly as efficient as when both fans are working.

It’s also key to check your air intake. Over time, the intake can become clogged with leaves and other debris, which can lead to an inefficient air conditioning system.

Checking your AC condenser (it will look like a radiator when you open your hood) for bugs and other debris is also an important part of keeping your AC system running efficiently. Spraying the condenser with a hose regularly is enough to keep it free and clear of contaminants that could slow down the efficiency of your air conditioning system.

Next, check your cabin air filter to ensure that it’s clean, followed by taking a look at the fan belt to ensure that it’s in good working order. The fan belt and the compressor work together, and if the fan belt is loose and slipping, the compressor won’t work as efficiently as it would with a new fan belt.

Lastly, check your refrigerant. Small leaks are to be expected. If you have a set of AC gauges, attach a low-pressure gauge to the low side and a high-pressure gauge to the high side of your AC unit. Start the car, turn the AC on, and read the AC gauges.

The appropriate pressures will depend on the temperatures outside, and you’ll want to check out a chart online to fill you in on the appropriate pressure levels for your current temperature.

Working on Your Car’s AC? What You Need to Know

When you’re doing work on your car, you need resources you can trust. Take a look at Vehicle History to get information from drivers and experts who will guide you every step of the way.

avatar Amanda T
Amanda T. is a freelance writer, mom, and health nut who refuses to drive anything other than a Nissan. She has six years of automotive writing experience, and loves providing drivers with well-researched information to help them make informed decisions.
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