Ford Focus Battery: Choosing the Best One

Sandy B
Dec 15, 2020

Every vehicle needs a new battery sometimes. When your Ford Focus stops starting, or you find yourself dealing with a dead battery often, that may mean it is time to replace it. That process doesn’t have to be hard.

What is the best battery for a Ford Focus?

The Ford Focus has several different battery requirements based on engine size and type. CCA starts at 590 and goes to 760 in most models. This vehicle typically needs group size 40R or 96R.

Blue 2018 Ford Focus From Driver Side

There are a few things that go into determining which battery you should buy for your Ford Focus. You need a bit more information to make the best decision. Here, we’ll answer some of your questions and give you specifics on what you should look for before you buy.

Determining the Battery Group Size

The first step in getting a new battery for your Ford Focus is to determine the group size. What’s that?

When cars are designed, makers ensure they fit the specific style or sizing of batteries. The group size is the specific configuration that considers the terminal location and overall dimensions of the battery you need.

Most of the time, group size is listed as a combination of numbers and letters. It’s usually two or three digits in length. You can find this listed on the battery itself (if you have one) or in the owner’s manual. You’ll need to shop for your battery using this group size.

Most Ford Focus vehicles fit into one or two group sizes. That’s the 40R or the 96R. When shopping for a battery, make sure this is aligned. This ensures the terminals line up and that the size is just right.

What Type of Battery Do You Need?

The next consideration is the battery type. There are three main options: Lead-acid, lithium-ion batteries, or SLI batteries. You need the right type of battery to properly charge your car and to get it running.

A Car Mechanic Replacing A Battery

The SLI battery designation stands for starting, lighting, and ignition. It is considered the most basic type of battery. It is commonly used in most types of gas-powered vehicles.

These batteries will store and release energy in a large burst. This helps start the car. They recharge with the help of the alternator. If you have an older model vehicle, this may be the most common battery used because it is a basic level of support.

However, if you have a vehicle that has more electricity flowing to it, such as from the various technology onboard or that big, shiny infotainment system, that’s going to require more battery power. This type of battery may not be enough to meet that need.

In these situations, you may need a deep cycle battery. This is a specific type of battery capable of providing a larger amount of power when starting the car and keeping other electronics onboard the car working well. Many times, Ford Focus vehicles need this type of battery.

What about OEM or Aftermarket Batteries? Which is Best?

Both options are available to you for your Ford Focus. Keep in mind that the Focus is no longer made. Over time, it may become harder to find OEM batteries for it as a result. That’s going to take some time, though.

Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) batteries are the best option. That means that the battery manufacturer is the same one that made the original battery placed into your car by Ford. This means it is exactly the same brand and, therefore, should be the most reliable option.

Red Car Battery Standing Out From Others

There are benefits to this type of battery. First, they often have a warranty on them, which can help to protect your car’s value and gives you some peace of mind. It’s also beneficial to know the battery is just the right fit for your car.

If you cannot find an OEM or you want something more affordable, consider the aftermarket option. Aftermarket batteries are still usable and work just as well if you choose the right one for your car. That’s the key to ensuring you get what’s worth your investment.

Aftermarket batteries for the Ford Focus are available from various manufacturers. As long as you choose a reliable manufacturer that offers a quality product, you shouldn’t have to worry about anything battery-related.

How to Choose an Aftermarket Battery for Your Ford Focus

If you own a Ford Focus, take a few minutes to jot down some information. You need to know the model year and the trim for your car. You also need to look up the engine specs. This information is going to help you find the best battery for your specific needs.

If you do not have this information and cannot find the owner’s manual, you can use one of various websites to help you. is one of those options. It will provide you with the information you need as to the specific battery to buy.

However, we recommend shopping around. You can find a variety of batteries for sale from trusted retailers, including Amazon. This can help to keep your costs low and ensure you are getting a high-quality product. Some batteries that may fit your needs include:

With this information, you should be able to find the right battery for your needs. Check those warranties on them, too. You want to buy a brand that you recognize or that has positive reviews, so you don’t waste your money.

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Sandy B. has written for The New York Times, Cleveland Magazine, and many online publications. She long-ago ditched the minivan life for the off-roading Ford Explorer (and hoping to restore a Shelby Mustang!)
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