Toyota Corolla Battery: Choosing the Best One

Sandy B
Dec 15, 2020

The Toyota Corolla is a reliable vehicle, but even with good maintenance and upkeep, you’ll need to make upgrades to it over time. That includes replacing the Toyota Corolla battery with a new version. It doesn’t have to be complex or hard to buy a reliable replacement.

What’s the best battery for the Toyota Corolla?

The best battery for the Toyota Corolla is either the TrueStart or the True-2 battery as these are the recommended options from the manufacturer. Your make and model may play a role in the version you select from these brands.

Gray 2020 Toyota Corolla From Front-Driver Side

When it comes to buying a new battery for your Toyota Corolla, you need one that’s fully featured and reliable. There are a few things to know before you make the decision on which to buy. Here, we’ll cover sizing and other specs to look for when doing so.

Battery Group Sizes Explained

As you start the process of determining which battery to buy for your Toyota Corolla, you’ll notice the term “group size.” Confused? Yes, it can be a bit strange, but here’s what you need to know.

Auto Mechanic Changing Car Battery

A battery group size is the term that refers to the maximum container size as well as the location and terminal type on the battery. Generally speaking, these are communicated using numbers and letters. They are not set up by Toyota but by the Battery Council International.

This number is usually two or three digits in length and may simply be a “35” or a “51R”. The Toyota Corolla battery size is 35. There are some Corollas that have other sizes (Group 51, for example). Make sure to look at the existing battery for more insight.

Should You Choose a Lead-Acid, Lithium-Ion, or SLI Battery?

Another question you’ll have when it comes to buying auto batteries is the type of battery. Each of these options may be available to you, depending on the vehicle specs. Sometimes, these terms are used without regard, and that can spell trouble later.

A lead-acid battery is one of the most common. It’s made with lead, plates, and lead oxide using a combination of 65% water solution and 35% sulfuric acid. That matters because it creates a specific chemical reaction to produce the power your car needs.

This type of battery is not often used as the primary option but rather as a secondary battery. They are often found in hybrid vehicles and work well because they can be recharged reliably. Some Toyota Corolla hybrid models may use these.

The second type of battery is a lithium-ion battery. This type is more powerful, capable of holding far more energy than a lead-acid battery, which is a good thing if your vehicle is designed to use them. They tend to store more power, but they are also smaller.

The third option is an SLI battery. These, known as a starting, lighting, ignition configuration battery, are designed to ignite, you guess it, those components. In most situations, this is the type of vehicle battery you’ll use for your gas-powered car.

Most Toyota Corolla vehicles use an SLI category of battery. You probably don’t need to worry about the other types.

OEM vs. Aftermarket Batteries: Are They all the Same?

Car Battery With White Background

Every manufacturer wants you to purchase the highest quality battery. When you are looking for a replacement battery for your Toyota vehicle, you’re likely to reach for the same brand that the company put into the vehicle, but that’s not always necessary.

Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) batteries are the exact same that the manufacturer used and placed in your car when it was new. That includes the same brand, size, style, and features.

OEM replacements will help to retain the vehicle’s value. They are designed for your car, of course, and that means they are less likely to cause any problems.

Aftermarket batteries are those that are made with the same features and specs, but they are not made by the same manufacturer and may be slightly different. That is why aftermarket batteries may not have a warranty on them or for your car.

It may be harder to find an OEM battery for an older model Corolla vehicles simply because they are not made as readily. They also tend to be more expensive in all cases. That’s why you may be thinking about purchasing an aftermarket version.

If you want to know the specific OEM battery for your Toyota Corolla, use your owner’s manual to look up this information or reach out to your dealership. Each year (and sometimes the trim) will have different battery models you need to choose from to keep the vehicle operating.

Thinking About Purchasing an Aftermarket Battery for Your Corolla

It’s not uncommon to struggle to find an OEM for older model Corolla vehicles. If you have a problem, it’s just fine to check out an aftermarket battery for most needs.

How do you know which battery to buy? Again, look up those details in your owner’s manual or look at the details on the battery. You can then find solid options to buy at Auto Batteries.

While you should check the specs, there are some models available on Amazon (fast, simple solution). These may include:

In all situations, you need to consider more than just the make and model. Also, look at the model year and the trim model. The engine can also play a role in the battery you need. A larger engine may require a bigger battery. Compare all of these features to get the best option.

The good news is it may be easier than you think to find a replacement for the Toyota Corolla since this is a popular model. And, if your vehicle is newer (within the last three or so years), you should be turning to the dealership to check on your warranty.

Need Some Help on Your Toyota Corolla Battery?

Get the specs you need for your vehicle when you look up the Vehicle History report. It’s a free tool that gives you the information you need to make the right buying decision.

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Sandy B. has written for The New York Times, Cleveland Magazine, and many online publications. She long-ago ditched the minivan life for the off-roading Ford Explorer (and hoping to restore a Shelby Mustang!)
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