How do i reset the 2013 Kia Rio tpms?

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Nick B. January 5, 2021
In the case of the 2013 Kia Rio tire pressure monitoring system, there is no way to reset aside from driving for 20 minutes at greater than 40 miles per hour. The onboard system should be able to relearn the sensors, provided that the tire pressure is correct. Occasionally, You may find success in "tricking" the system. Deflate each of the four tires by five to ten pounds of pressure, while at a location where You don't need to move to re-inflate -- something like a gas station parking lot should do fine. Turn Your key to the ON position, before re-inflating them to specification. This has a low succeSSRate, but I was able to find a few Rio drivers who said that this worked for them.
Kelli December 1, 2020
Can’t find the reset button. I looked in the book and it just by the tire
John P July 16, 2020
To reset the tpms on the 2013 kia rio make sure the tire pressure is correct, then turn on the vehicle. Now hit the reset button that is to the right of the steering wheel and wait ten minutes. In some cases you may need to hold the button down till the light flashes.
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